Contact information

Labone Junction, Accra

We are available 24/ 7. Call Now. 0302-775358 0322025239
CEO & Founder: Dr Michael Addo
Our Vision

Why should you work with us?

To identify social and economic needs of humanity and provide creative and innovative products and services to meet those needs. MIKADDO strives to achieve profitable growth.


We Cherish Our Customers

MIKADDO wants to be the customers’ first choice, to be an attractive employer for its staff and a Company that grows profitably for its shareholders.


Smart Partnership

With smart partnerships and pioneering new products and services, MIKADDO offers output of international standards.


Excellent Products & Services

By responding to market opportunities and technological developments, MIKADDO offers customers a contemporary excellent products and services.

Our Core Values

What We Stand For

•Strict adherence to the highest ethical, medical and scientific standards

•Total quality management approach to organizational development.

•Quality services to its cherished customers.

• Trust and Professionalism.

• Total customer satisfaction.